Welcome to Techdoc

A place where I carry out my website experiments

A demonstration page for businesses

An idea that I have, is that some businesses just want/need a simple about type page for their businesse. This is what this page demonstrates.

This is just an example of one layout that is possible. The important thing to keep in mind is that many people use mobile devices to veiw a website, so this has to look good on those devices as well.

Column 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit...

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris...

Column 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit...

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris...

Column 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit...

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris...

Sample blog post

January 1, 2021 by Mark

This blog post shows a few different types of content that’s supported and styled with Bootstrap. Basic typography, lists, tables, images, code, and more are all supported as expected.

This is some additional paragraph placeholder content. It has been written to fill the available space and show how a longer snippet of text affects the surrounding content. We'll repeat it often to keep the demonstration flowing, so be on the lookout for this exact same string of text.


This is an example blockquote in action:

Quoted text goes here.

This is some additional paragraph placeholder content. It has been written to fill the available space and show how a longer snippet of text affects the surrounding content. We'll repeat it often to keep the demonstration flowing, so be on the lookout for this exact same string of text.

Example lists

This is some additional paragraph placeholder content. It's a slightly shorter version of the other highly repetitive body text used throughout. This is an example unordered list:

And this is an ordered list:

  1. First list item
  2. Second list item with a longer description
  3. Third list item to close it out

And this is a definiton list:

HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
The language used to describe and define the content of a Web page
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Used to describe the appearance of Web content
JavaScript (JS)
The programming language used to build advanced Web sites and applications

Inline HTML elements

HTML defines a long list of available inline tags, a complete list of which can be found on the Mozilla Developer Network.

Most of these elements are styled by browsers with few modifications on our part.


This is some additional paragraph placeholder content. It has been written to fill the available space and show how a longer snippet of text affects the surrounding content. We'll repeat it often to keep the demonstration flowing, so be on the lookout for this exact same string of text.


This is some additional paragraph placeholder content. It has been written to fill the available space and show how a longer snippet of text affects the surrounding content. We'll repeat it often to keep the demonstration flowing, so be on the lookout for this exact same string of text.

Example code block

This is some additional paragraph placeholder content. It's a slightly shorter version of the other highly repetitive body text used throughout.

Another blog post

December 23, 2020 by Jacob

This is some additional paragraph placeholder content. It has been written to fill the available space and show how a longer snippet of text affects the surrounding content. We'll repeat it often to keep the demonstration flowing, so be on the lookout for this exact same string of text.

Longer quote goes here, maybe with some emphasized text in the middle of it.

This is some additional paragraph placeholder content. It has been written to fill the available space and show how a longer snippet of text affects the surrounding content. We'll repeat it often to keep the demonstration flowing, so be on the lookout for this exact same string of text.

Example table

And don't forget about tables in these posts:

Name Upvotes Downvotes
Alice 10 11
Bob 4 3
Charlie 7 9
Totals 21 23

This is some additional paragraph placeholder content. It's a slightly shorter version of the other highly repetitive body text used throughout.

Accordion - an Example FAQ

Well, that is the million dollar question isn't it

Any frequently asked questions that your buissisnes get asked, it might save that phone call.